Clean marked files. Remove any
marking icon introduced by -m or -s options. Conflicts with -m and -s
options. Implies -f option. |
Ignore pages last modify time.
Visit them anyway. |
Print help text. |
External link marker icon. MARK:
the file name of the icon inserted by the program just after the
external link to mark it. Conflicts with -c option. |
External link status check. For
each external link, verify its status (reachable or broken) and set
properly its marker icon: the normal icon for a reachable link or the
broken link icon otherwise. MARK_BRK: the file name of the icon
substituted to the normal icon when a link is checked as broken.
Conflicts with -c option. Implies -f option. |
Quiet. Suppress normal output
messaging, keep error messages.
Recursive. Process given
file(s) in the given directory and then do the same recursively for all
subdirectories. |
Set verbosity level, which type
of logged messages that are also copied to program terminal. Levels: 0
no msg, 1 fatals (F), 2 F+errs (E), 3 F+E+warns (W), 4 E+W+normal msg
[default=1]. |
Print program version. |